Squirrly SEO works with all WordPress page builders in the back-end. The SEO Live Assistant also works from the Cloud App and helps you optimize all your content from pages built with any builder.
But we’ve also worked on bringing the SEO Live Assistant to the front-end as well, and we were able to do so for some of the most popular page builders available today.
Keep reading to learn more about how the SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly SEO works with different page builders and WordPress content editors you may be using right now.
Classic WordPress Editor
By default, the Squirrly SEO Live Assistant will show on every post type while you’re in Post Editor in backend.
The Live Assistant will load on the right side of the screen as a floating box and you can move it from right to the left as you like. (simply click on the Assistant, Hold, and Drag it anywhere you want)
You can also minimize or close down and maximize/ re-open the SEO Live Assistant anytime you want in the User Interface.
If you are in the Post Editor and Squirrly Live Assistant is NOT loading as it should, please read this Help article.
Gutenberg (WordPress Block Editor)
Squirrly SEO is fully compatible with the Gutenberg Editor.
By default, the Squirrly SEO Live Assistant will show on every post type while you’re in Post Editor in backend.The Live Assistant will load on the right side of the screen as a floating box and you can move it from right to the left as you like. (simply click on the Assistant, Hold, and Drag it anywhere you want)
You can also minimize or close down and maximize/ re-open the SEO Live Assistant anytime you want in the User Interface.
If you are in the Post Editor and Squirrly Live Assistant is NOT loading as it should, please read this Help article.
The SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly works on the front-end of the Beaver Builder, just as you’re creating or editing your Beaver page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in the Beaver Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON. You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
Zion Builder
The SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly works on the front-end of the Zion Builder, just as you’re creating or editing your Zion page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in the Zion Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON. You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
Bricks Website Builder
The SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly works on the front-end of Bricks , just as you’re creating or editing your Bricks page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in the Bricks Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON. You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
Thrive Architect
The SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly works on the fronted of Thrive Architect , just as you’re creating or editing your Thrive Architect page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in the Thrive Architect Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON. You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
Divi Builder
The SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly works on the front-end of Divi, just as you’re creating or editing your Divi page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in Divi Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON. You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
The SEO Live Assistant Module of Squirrly SEO works on the front-end of Elementor, just as you’re creating or editing your Elementor page. Squirrly was the first WordPress SEO Plugin to offer this and provide Content Optimization in real-time (with as-you-type advice).
You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in Elementor Editor.
The only thing you need to do is make sure that the option Activate Live Assistant in Frontend is ON if you are using Elementor.
You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
The SEO Live Assistant works on the front-end of Oxygen, just as you’re creating or editing your Oxygen page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in Oxygen Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON.
You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
The SEO Live Assistant works on the front-end of the WPBakery Page Builder, just as you’re creating or editing your WPBakery page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in WP Bakery Page Editor.
All you have to do is make sure the Activate Live Assistant in Frontend option from Squirrly is turned ON.
You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
The SEO Live Assistant Module of Squirrly SEO works on the front-end of the Avada Builder by ThemeFusion, just as you’re creating or editing your Avada-built page. You can do Multiple Keyword Optimization using the Live Assistant together with Briefcase in the Avada Editor.
The only thing you need to do is make sure that the option Activate Live Assistant in Frontend is ON if you are using Avada.
You can access this option from Squirrly > Live Assistant > Settings.
Squirrly SEO works with the Brizy Builder in backend. You can optimize the page in frontend and check the optimization with the SEO Live Assistant when you’re in backend. You can also use our Cloud App if you want to optimize the entire content before adding it to the builder.
You just build out the text with SEO Live Assistant to make sure it’s perfectly SEO (which reads: Search Relevant) and then you copy it bit by bit into the page, wherever you need to place each bit inside the design of the page.
Making the SEO Live Assistant work on the frontend of Brizy is added to our Roadmap, and you can vote for it here >>
We are looking at making the Live Assistant work in the front-end with other builders, so more users can get SEO assistance as they’re creating/editing their pages.
Suggesting page builders and gathering votes is a sure way to make our developers to focus on the builders you find most valuable. 🙂
Need Help Connecting Google Search Console: Both Tracking Code and API Connection?
Connecting Google Search Console to Squirrly SEO is important because it helps you have better data inside Focus Pages.
Integrating your WordPress with Google Search Console with Squirrly SEO is more than just setting the META code for it. It will connect your WP to the API of Google’s service and enable info such as Impressions, Clicks, and CTR to be collected.
Plus, it will help you control the index of your pages, and you’ll be able to update all the info that Google has about your site, directly from your Squirrly SEO Plugin.
Google Search Console (GSC) and its integration with Squirrly SEO is also used for displaying ranking positions inside the Rankings feature of Squirrly SEO (!! IF you are NOT on a plan that includes Squirrly’s SERP Checker Cloud)
In this tutorial, we will cover the following:
1. How to integrate with Google Search Console to get it to index your entire site and connect Google Search Console to Squirrly. Use this method in case you haven’t used Google Search Console before.
2. How to connect Google Search Console if you already have a GSC account and added your website as a property.
3. How to connect Google Search Console if the Get GSC Code button from Squirrly SEO – SEO Configuration – Connect Tools – Place Trackers doesn’t automatically add your code.
1. How to Connect GSC if you haven’t used Google Search Console before
Many WordPress sites don’t get indexed at all, or don’t get indexed properly because they are not added to Google Search Console, and Google doesn’t know about them.
If you don’t already have an account with Google Search Console (GSC), here’s what you need to do:
Create your account with GSC.
Add the website as a property.
It will tell you to verify it. Use the method below to do so.
Select the HTML tag from the “other verification methods.”
You’ll easily place this in your Squirrly SEO.
In: WordPress – Squirrly SEO – SEO Configuration – Connect Tools – Place Trackers
And we’ll use the “Google Search Console” section from “Place Trackers.”
Paste your whole code:
Squirrly SEO will automatically format and arrange everything for Google.
Go back to Google Search Console now.
Click Verify.
It will load their tools for verification.
Then, it will confirm that all is set up properly (as shown below).
Great! GSC has now verified that you own the website.
Before throwing a really big party about all this, make sure you look at the domain’s URL in your browser and in your Google Search Console.
Make sure they are the SAME!!!
Connect Google Search Console
Go to WordPress – Squirrly SEO – SEO Configuration – Connect Tools. Then follow the steps shown in the video below.
a) Click on Sign in.
b) Select your account.
c) A new panel shows up there asking for permissions. Click Allow.
d) You will then see a panel letting you know that you should go back and check the connection in the Squirrly SEO Plugin
e) Check the connection to complete the setup.
2. How to connect Google Search Console if you already have a GSC account and added your website as a property
To get started,go to WordPress – Squirrly SEO – SEO Configuration – Connect Tools. Then follow the steps shown in the video below.
Note! If you have a Google Search Console account connected, simply click on Get GSC Code button.
Once you click the Get GSC Code button, the Google verification code from Google Search Console will automatically appear and the META tag containing the verification code will be added to your site.
This allows you to quickly verify your site with Google Search Console.
If the code doesn’t appear, it means that you haven’t added a website property to your Search Console account.
So it’s important to add your website to Google Search Console FIRST, and then enable this connection between your Google Search Console account and Squirrly and getting your Google verification code.
3. How to connect Google Search Console in case the Get GSC Code button doesn’t add your code
To get started,go to WordPress – Squirrly SEO – SEO Configuration – Connect Tools. Then follow the steps shown in the video below.
Use this method if you already have a Google Search Console account but the Get GSC Code button from Squirrly SEO – SEO Configuration – Connect Tools – Place Trackers doesn’t automatically add your code.
How do I connect Google Analytics: Both Tracking Code And the API Connection?
Connecting Google Analytics to Squirrly SEO is important because it enables Squirrly to show you Traffic insights for your pages – right inside your Squirrly Account.
Once this connection is enabled, Squirrly will start showing you Traffic Data for every Page you add as a Focus Page (in the Traffic Health Section) – alongside bounce rate data and time-on-page data.
You will also get Traffic insights inside the Squirrly Audit, and you will be able to see the pages with the most visitors for the last week (from the list of pages you’ve added to the Audit).
All this data is retrieved from Google Analytics. So, unless you enable this connection between your website and Google Analytics, we are unable to show Traffic insights for your pages inside Squirrly SEO.
1. How to Connect your Google Analytics Account to Squirrly
Go to Squirrly SEO > SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Connect Tools.
Click on Sign in and connect your main Google account.
A new panel will show up asking for permissions. Click Allow.
You will then see a panel letting you know that you should go back and check the connection in the Squirrly SEO Plugin.
Check the connection to complete the setup. 🚨Make sure to select the relevant Google Analytics entry (property). The field in Connect tools > Google Analytics should display the Google Analytics ID of the site for which you want to set up this connection.
2. How to Add the Google Tracking script for your Analytics ID
With this option, you enable Squirrly SEO to add the Google Tracking script for your Analytics ID.
The connection with Google Analytics can easily be enabled, as long as you already have a Google Analytics account and followed STEP 1 from this article to connect your account to Squirrly.
If your account is already linked to Squirrly, all you have to do is click on Get GA Code and Squirrly will bring and display your Code directly into this setting from Squirrly SEO – without you having to do anything else.
Go to SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Place Trackers
Click on Get GA Code
Save Settings
Squirrly will then add the Google Tracking script for your Analytics ID.
If you have multiple Google Analytics accounts created for the site for which you want to enable the connection, Squirrly will bring the most recent code.
Make sure that you know which ID your account has on Google Analytics in case you have multiple GA accounts created for the site on which you use Squirrly SEO.
In case you’ve previously connected your Google Analytics account to Squirrly SEO – but your code isn’t automatically shown after clicking on Get GA Code, then it’s possible that you’ve created your propriety AFTER you connected your GA account to Squirrly.
In this case, Squirrly doesn’t have the latest information related to your GA account. This happens very rarely, but in case you encounter this situation, you can:
either reconnect your Google Analytics account to Squirrly (from Squirrly SEO > SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Connect Tools )
OR go to Google Analytics, get the Analytics ID and copy/paste it into this section of Squirrly.
Leave this section blank if you don’t want Squirrly to add the Google Tracking script for your Analytics ID.
Key things you should know:
If you’re using any other version of Google Analytics that is NOT Google Analytics 4, then all your GA codes will start with UA – (as shown in the previous above)
If you have an account created for Google Analytics 4, then Google Tag Manager enters the equation, and your code will always start with a G.
If your code starts with G, Squirrly will automatically set the Google Tracking Mode for Analytics to: Gtag.js This defines what code will be placed in your site’s header when Google Analytics Tracking is enabled.
Google Tracking Mode for Analytics: Analytics.js or Gtag.js
Otherwise, select analytics.js to track the website traffic.
An Important Note!
Squirrly will ONLY add the Tracking script IF you add it in SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Place Trackers .
For the SEO Audit and Focus Pages, it will only use the GA connection (from SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Connect Tools) to get the traffic report.
If you connect your Google Analytics account in the SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Connect Tools section but DON’T enable Squirrly SEO to add the Google Tracking script for your Analytics ID in the SEO Configuration > Connect Tools > Place Trackers section, this means that the plugin only looks at your Google Analytics to gather data for the Audit but doesn’t actually fire up the script.
How do I switch (or change) a Focus Page if I am on the Free Plan?
You will see the answer inside this video.
I show you how to delete and then place a new focus page.
ERROR! Could not save the data. Please try again
This error message was added in Squirrly SEO plugin since 2019.
If you’re getting this error, the plugin can’t save the SEO Snippet into database.
Situations when this error is triggered:
The database table (wp)_qss is deleted and the plugin doesn’t have the permission to create it again.
The table integrity is affected and not all columns are present in the table:
The table Character Set is not set to UTF8 or UTF8mb4 and the saving data doesn’t match.
1. Create the table with the correct WordPress table prefix and the name _qss. We will use the default WordPress prefix but you need to change the wp prefix with the one you set in wp-config.php
CREATE TABLE wp_qss ( id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , blog_id int(10) NOT NULL , URL varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL , url_hash varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL , seo text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL , date_time datetime NOT NULL , post varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' , PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE INDEX url_hash (url_hash) USING BTREE , INDEX blog_id_url_hash (blog_id, url_hash) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci
2. Alter the table with this SQL command:
ALTER TABLE wp_qss ADD COLUMN post varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT ''
3. Run the SQL command:
Changing URL in WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)
Changing Permalink In the Sidebar
If you edit a post or a page in the new Block Editor of WordPress, just click on the Post/ Page tab in the right sidebar, and you will be able to see a Permalink option where you can change URL slug.
Now if you click on the Permalink section, it will show an input that mainly allows you to edit the slug for your post/page. Also, make sure that you click on the Update button right after changing your permalink in order to apply the changes that you made right away.
If you are using the Squirrly SEO Live Assistant to optimize your article, make sure you include the keyword in the post/page URL.
How Unique Are The Next SEO Goals?
Private SEO Consultant.
Private. It’s yours. The advice is also made specifically for you and for your current website.
If you have 7 sites, you’ll most probably get different Next SEO Goals on each site.
Everything is unique, because Squirrly’s SML (Squirrly Machine Learning), analyzes all data about your site (part of it from within WordPress, part of it from our Cloud Services). Then it compares it to multiple patterns analyzed for other websites which went through Next SEO Goals and Focus Pages Tasks AND reached success!
It basically does what a real human SEO Consultant should do:
looks at your situation
finds the priority tasks that need solving
tries to find which tasks will move you the closest to the First Page of Google
analyzes how much time it would take to get you in TOP 10
then compares all data and finds your golden nuggets, which he then tells you and you pay him for the work he did, because it was extremely valuable.
The Golden Nugget the Consultant will offer you is:
the few things you can easily get done, very fast which will also have the biggest potential impact on your POSITIONS in the Google Search Engine.
Just like a real human SEO Consultant who’s really good at his job, Squirrly’s SML and the Daily SEO Goals panel will not waste your time with trivial tasks.
Everything it says is aimed at getting you to TOP 10 in the shortest time-frame possible.
And better than what some human consultants could do (I mention some, and here I’m talking about consultants with 1 to 3 years of experience only) : it will bring you your Goals according to evolution data, progress and achievements of over 600,000 sites that were catalogued and tracked by the Squirrly Company since we first publicly launched Squirrly SEO back in 2013.
Those are many years of experience, and we were lucky to have kept all the data. Because Squirrly SEO was always powered by crawlers, SERP Checkers and Analytics (at one point we even had our own), we have stored a lot of data about how WordPress sites evolve and get ranked to top positions.
We used machine learning on all those data sets to identify the quickest paths to success and to be able to grab the exact types of tasks you can work on (as a Non-SEO Expert), which will ensure success.
So in terms of successful websites and search visibility, Squirrly SEO is a lot better equipped than most beginner-level SEO Consultants.
This moves far beyond what we offered in any other version of Squirrly.
Squirrly SEO brings you unique goals, just like a real SEO Consultant would.
These goals will always be unique and the more you use and complete Next SEO Goals, the better they will become for you, once it learns more about how fast your site can increase in rankings.
70 Technical SEO Aspects Handled By Squirrly Genius
Squirrly Genius is a brand new digital marketing assistant (it’s a piece of tech, not a human being) created by the Squirrly Company and it is one of your companions inside Squirrly SEO.
Unlike other assistants we’ve made available to you, Squirrly Genius handles many SEO tasks all by itself in the background. It doesn’t even bother you to click elements in the interface.
And it’s working around the clock on your behalf. (Offers the Premium Features from Yoast SEO, RankMath, SEOpress, All In One SEO, to you for FREE. Yes, just read the final list on this page and you will see.)
There are over 80 Potential Next SEO Goals you can encounter from time to time depending on pages you choose to focus on, but those are handled by Squirrly’s SML (Squirrly Machine Learning)
The 70 Aspects are more or less important SEO jobs that Squirrly Genius does for you. It saves you a lot of time and ensures that you don’t need to write a single piece of code.
Prepares your WordPress Site for SEO Success (as soon as you connect to Squirrly CLOUD for the first time).
starts SEO Meta Automation
helps you set up the SEO for your site
completes JSON-LD (used for Rich Snippets) information by default
makes all essential SEO settings right after you install Squirrly. Which Means: LESS work for you to do
Maintains good SEO:
offers SEO Protection.
handles 70 aspects in the background.
Sidebar Taks:
shows what still needs to be done.
if you click the tasks, it opens pop-ups that tell you exactly how to complete them.
That was to help you see an easy overview. More details follow for those who want to read.
All of these are now handled in real-time by Squirrly Genius:
Automatically write json-ld on each page for schema and rich snippets
Get snippets ready and completed
Handle canonical links
Handle follow nofollow
Handle index no index on each page
Maintain robots.txt file
Check robotx txt inconsistencies
Maintain sitemap.xml
Enhance sitemap.xml
Add support for tracking via google analytics
Add support for tracking via google webmaster
Extract data via API (if activated) from Google Analytics
Extract data via API (if connected) from Google Search Console
Keeps custom records for Schema implementation if you experiment with the over 13 types of schemas that we offer
Checks permalinks to make sure they are Okay
Checks WordPress settings, to make sure they don’t negatively affect your SEO
Handles Open Graph
Handles Twitter Cards
Handles Rich Pins
Handles all post types inside a WordPress site, that you tell it to handle (if you have custom types that don’t get detected by default)
Handle imports from other SEO Plugins
Handles backups for your SEO Data inside the WP site.
Handles backups for SEO Data inside our Servers (for content optimized with SEO Live Assistant)
Protects against faulty no-index definitions.
Runs new checks every day to track improvements for SEO and Marketing.
Makes all essential SEO settings right after you install Squirrly. Which Means: LESS work for you to do.
Completes JSON-LD information by default (automatically ensures Google validation for it).
Handles SEO Automation
Imports images to your Media Library so that you won’t have missing content issues.
Adds tags and alt texts for images by default (only if you want it to)
Runs checks to offer you the RED and Green lights inside Bulk SEO .
Keeps SEO Audit historical data and helps you compare multiple audits in the same panel.
Helps with Open Graph Validation
Helps with Rich Pins Validation
Helps with Twitter Cards Validation
Helps with Rich Snippets Validation
Preview Social Media Sharing and how your pages will look when shared
Facebook Previews, powered by TrueRender
Twitter Previews, powered by TrueRender
Facebook Pixel advanced options for eCommerce.
Facebook Pixel tracking with custom rules for custom pages.
Handles JSON-LD with WooCommerce data, to create rich snippets for e-commerce (you need to properly setup your WooCommerce. it’s up to you)
Google Analytics tracking with custom rules for custom pages
Google Analytics FULL integrations, to get accurate Traffic Data in the SEO Audit and to get accurate Google Search Engine readings for quality content (as I said: we look for “quality content” the same way that Google does.)
No-Index options made with WebDeveloper-Approved customization levels
No-Index specific Custom Post Types
No-Index based on custom page rules
No-Index based on Sitemap XML settings
No-Index based on robots.txt rules
Checking robots.txt – your customized version vs what WordPress renders
Creating robots.txt
Most advanced Sitemap XML
Pictures in Sitemap XML
Sitemap XML enhanced with Videos
Sitemap XML settings for frequency with which you add new content to the site
Sitemap XML to get you in Google News
Sitemap XML with organized sub-sitemaps
Sitemap XML with Page-Level customization options
Sitemap XML inclusions / exclusions according to rules based on Custom post Types and Automation Features.
Open Graph
Open Graph Preview
Open Graph BULK work-flow.
Open Graph Automation with different rules according to different custom post types
Open Graph object Type
Open Graph and fb admin page id
Open Graph and author URL
Open Graph with VIDEO, which makes the video PLAY directly inside Facebook.
Twitter Card – large
Twitter Card – summary
Twitter Card Bulk work-flow
Twitter Card Automation with different rules according to different custom post types
Twitter Card Preview
Checks if you turned all SEO Settings from RED to Green
Checks your account Level: Free, PRO, Business, Web Dev Kit
Handles Patterns
Tells all the other Squirrly tools to take note for the definitions that YOU make as a user, because you can define for your site how long you want certain fields to be (as a best-practices type of things for your brand). If you add META Lengths (it’s an expert-level setting) then Squirrly Genius will ensure your definitions are taken into account in all Squirrly SEO tools.
Handles META keywords
Removes duplicate META keywords
Handles Dublin Core
Activate or Deactivate the Snippet on the front-end of your site
Can minify Squirrly SEO Metas if you ask it to
Late Buffer capability offered by Squirrly Genius, in case your CDN or caching plugin needs this
JSON LD Site Type
Company Name
Contact Phone Number
Contact Type definition
Short Description
Handles Breadcrumbs
Can remove other JSON-LD from your code, if you didn’t place it there with Squirrly SEO (this is optional)
Facebook Share Language
Adds Social Media Profiles to your org’s JSON-LD for a good semantic definition
Handles Analytics js and GTAG js
Handles AMP settings and tracking
Can tell it to remove logged-in users from Facebook Pixel tracking
Can tell it to remove logged-in users from Google Analytics tracking
Google Verification Code
Bing Verification Code
Frequency definitions for Sitemap
Ping New Posts (optional)
Allows you to define and then enforces your rules: exclusions or inclusions for all Sitemaps created on your WP
Handles Sitemap paginations
Can fix Relative URLs
Handles Favicon (site icon)
Handles Apple Icons for iPhones and iPads
Includes the best option for WordPress multisites with regard to how it create the favicon
Allows you to rollback the plugin version
Allows you to choose whether to keep or delete Squirrly table (from DB) when you uninstall
Checks all your tasks from each sidebar, to help you maximize the usage of our SEO plugin and help you get the best results.
Ensures that sitemaps don’t get created for potentially empty entries
TrueRender: Squirrly Genius handles the social media previews and it shows you the post exactly how IT would get displayed when shared to social media.
Handles Users Roles and Security – Squirrly SEO was the first plugin to ever offer this. Squirrly Genius now improves the User Roles and Security a lot and allows powerful customizations.
Re-direct manager included
Helps you avoid 404 Pages from now on
When you change permalinks it will automatically add redirects from old post to new post.
Multiple Keyword Optimization – can add as many keywords on one page as it possibly makes sense and calculates your scores properly in SEO Live Assistant.
Complete control over any URL you want indexed.
Complete control over any URL that you do NOT want indexed.
How Does SEO Protection Work?
SEO Protection is one of those unique value propositions that only Squirrly SEO can offer you. It’s due to its unique position on the market.
Moz, aHrefs, SEMrush, Yoast, All In One SEO… they simply can’t touch this.
Why? – it’s all a matter of technology: because we combine a smart and light-weight plugin, with our impressive cloud services, we give you the best of both worlds: the best plugin with the best SEO platform.
SEO Plugins don’t offer you 100% protection, because for some elements, you need server-side crawling.
SEO Platforms don’t offer you 100% protection, because some elements can only be fine-tuned from within WordPress itself.
Thus, Squirrly SEO is in a unique position.
The level of protection against Google penalties and negative scoring is unprecedented.
100% SEO Protection means that your site is safe from the many penalties and negative factors that we check against.
This is made possible if you have ALL the features from Squirrly SEO Activated
SEO Automation (Place all your Post Types inside SEO Automation, to make sure Squirrly handles everything.)
SEO Audit
Next SEO Goals – has powerful SEO tests in place to protect against problematic no-index definitions, robots.txt definition problems (or plugins and themes which change how the final file is rendered), and much more. – Next SEO Goals has elements from within WordPress and others from our Cloud Services
Focus Pages – make sure you define at least one focus page. It will check using the “Platform SEO” series of tests and the “Platform Health” series of tests.
These make sure that each page (if you placed all post types inside SEO Automation) has:
SEO Meta codes (required for good On-Page SEO)
Social Media codes (rich pins, open graph, twitter cards)
Schema implementation (automatic, you can customize and create tens of types using the Custom option)
Re-directions (if needed ; ensures automatic protection against 404s)
Ultimate protection against Duplicate Content (You can receive Huge penalties which really drag your rankings down, without this)
Duplicate codes and definitions inside the source code of a page (many themes and plugins add codes for titles, descriptions, metas, keywords, open graph, json-ld, etc.) -> Squirrly removes these by default if activated.
Duplicate Titles in same page (Duplicate Remover)
Duplicate Titles across multiple pages (SEO Audit)
Duplicate Descriptions in same page (Duplicate Remover)
Duplicate Descriptions across multiple pages (SEO Audit)
Empty Titles (SEO Automation and SEO Audit)
Empty Descriptions (SEO Automation and SEO Audit)
Warns against duplicate tracking codes (which can cause problems with metrics inside Google Analytics)
You can use Squirrly’s canonical URL definitions (from Snippet and from Bulk SEO) to protect against duplicate written content across multiple pages. A basic level of protection with canonical URLs is activated by default when you install Squirrly.
Protection against faulty No-Index placed by mistake (it happens even to the best developers, and that’s why it’s important to have this SEO Protection feature inside WordPress) is covered by:
Bulk SEO
Focus Pages
There are many features used to verify SEO elements in your site. They are independent from one another., That’s the secret sauce that makes the 100% Protection so powerful. Because they all work together, they have a huge chance of identifying problems that other tools would miss.