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Does Squirrly work like Yoast regarding the ability to see whether a page or post has been optimized correctly?

Q: Does Squirrly work like Yoast regarding the ability to view whether a page or post has been optimized correctly for:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Keyword

^^ with a “traffic light” type of interface (red, orange, green).

Can I do that with Squirrly?

A: yes, you can do that with Squirrly SEO as well.

Both for making the content Search Relevant (with our SEO Live Assistant that gives you instant feedback in real-time) and also for optimizing the Snippet (using the Snippet editor).

The SEO Live Assistant provides real-time SEO feedback on your content as you type in the WordPress editor, along with suggestions for 100% on-page optimization.

Here are more details about this. There’s also a VIDEO there where you can see the SEO Live Assistant in action.