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How to set the Google Webmaster Tool

google webmaster tool

Why should you use the Google Webmaster Tool

Google created Webmaster Tool as a way to connect your site to their server.
It is the fastest way to tell Google that your site is ready for ranking, and what has your site feed. Google uses this tool to notify you (through email) about the crawling errors, or SEO errors in your site.

How to add your site in Google Webmaster Tool?

1. First, you have to connect to, and sign in (or create an account, if you don’t have one)google webmaster tool


2. Now add your site in webmaster by clicking the “Add a site” button.

3. Choose Alternate Methods to validate and choose HTML Tag.



4. Google will ask you to validate your site, and it will give you a code like this one.

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="dsa4nIUAyAAjnd0GUX9OpP7yJ2ecwUBHywpOaWakK1g" />


5. Add that code in Squirrly > Settings > Google webmaster and click “Save settings”.



6. Go back to the webmaster tool site, and click “Verify site”. You should receive a confirmation message.


Now that your site is connected, you can submit your sitemap.xml. Learn how to do it.

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