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Squirrly Sitemap XML

Squirrly Sitemap XML

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Other new features in Squirrly SEO are Sitemap XML and Robots.txt.

Squirrly informs Search Engines about all of your articles, posts, custom posts, tags, and it also sends information about the images and videos from each article, in order to be indexed in the image and video sections of the Search Engines.

Your articles will be pushed to Google and Bing only when they become public, rather than on every update, in order to prevent getting banned.

Squirrly does not physically create the sitemap.xml file, or the robots.txt file. This is the best choice if you use the WordPress Multisite option.

Squirrly Check for SEO errors

Squirrly Check for SEO errors

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The new feature in Squirrly SEO is Check for Issues option. This is a simple way to find out whether there are Meta Duplicates, Settings problems, or Plugin conflicts. If you have issues, you can fix them right away with only one click on, by clicking the “Fix it for me” button.


Squirrly First Page Optimization

Squirrly First Page Optimization

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Squirrly First Page Optimization shows you how to optimize the home page of your website fast and easy. You will have a preview to see how it will look in the search results.

To customize the META for each Page/Post, just use the Squirrly Snippet Tool from the Page/Post editor.

Squirrly Performance Analytics

Squirrly Performance Analytics

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(UPDATE SEP 2016) We released the SERP Checker plugin, which will help you see the GOOGLE RANK for all the keywords you used on your website.   Read more

The best way to measure your success is to find out which articles performed better on social media over time, and which articles ranked better on Google.

Squirrly Analytics checks the rank position for all the articles in your site, and it also sorts them by the Google rank position.

You will see what is the Top Social Media Channel for each article. In the future, this will help you figure out what type of content to create for each social media channel.

Squirrly also looks over your articles Authority, it shows you the and rank, and how many inbound links you have for them.

Squirrly Live Assistant

Squirrly Live Assistant

🚨 This article share details about an older version of the SEO Live Assistant. For information regarding the most recent version of the SEO Live Assistant, please check out this resource.


What we’ve done is we made sure that you now have a clever assistant inside your WordPress dashboard. The Live Assistant feature helps you in real-time, as you’re typing your article, so that you make the written text friendly for human readers, not just search engines.

By using the SEO Live Assistant from Squirrly, you will learn how to fully optimize a blog article for both humans and search engines.

You’ll be able to write articles that will not be banned by Google. The Human love you’ll get (social media shares, links from other blogs, etc.) will be most welcome.

Human Friendly Option

It helps you write articles that are journalistically appropriate.

It makes sure that:

  • Your article is long enough, so that your readers will not just close the tab and bounce off
  • Your article is long enough to make it to the Google News
  • You have a great introduction and conclusion for your article, in which you specify the topic you’re writing about.
  • You avoid repetitions. Check out this thread on Quora.
  • You avoid keyword stuffing, regardless of “keyword density”. Just 100% good writing. Trust me, your readers will feel something is wrong if the keyword is mentioned way too much in just a few sentences.

Also, when you truly can’t avoid repetitions, the SEO Live Assistant will give you synonym suggestions and it will highlight where you should place the synonyms in order to have a Human friendly article.

Google Friendly

Google doesn’t care if you have 3% density, or 3.4% density, or 4% density.

It cares if you over-optimize your article for your main keyword. So if your density is too high, there’s a problem (a big one!), and Squirrly will tell you all about it.

Over Optimization

It’s very easy to hit bumps when you optimize your articles for Long Tail Keywords.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say I optimize my article for “Content Marketing Strategy for 2014″.

All the tasks from the Live Assistant would normally tell me that everything is Green and perfect. But is it?

Oops, it seems like I’ve used “content marketing” way too much in my text and Google would normally penalize me for this, because their search engine would think that I was trying to stuff in this keyword and build up web spam.

The Over Optimization task will be a great companion that is going to help you avoid any problems with the big ‘ol G.


keyword research

Squirrly Keyword Research

🚨 This article share details about an older version of the Keyword Research Tool. For information regarding the most recent version of the Keyword Research Tool, please check out this resource.


Two resources: Video and Slideshare. In the video you see how to use it and pick the best keywords. In the slideshare, you see a few simple steps to follow when you need to start using it:

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more SEO techniques you can implement from Home.

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Squirrly’s Keyword Research and Analysis tool helps you find keywords that are trending, that people are currently searching for, and that will ultimately get you more visibility online.

It’s very important to be found online by the right keywords, because it will bring you targeted visitors. These are the people that are interested in what you have to offer.

The Keyword Research tool helps you find long tail keywords that are easier to rank for, especially if you just started your own business and you want fast results. The tool looks at your competitor’s keywords, and it will grab the best ones for your articles.

Squirrly Snippet

Squirrly Snippet Tool

🚨 This article share details about an older version of the Snippet tool. For information regarding the most recent version of the Snippet tool, please check out this resource.

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The Squirrly Snippet Tool shows you how your article will look like on search engines. By customizing it, you will boost the conversion rate.

Note that ‘search engines’ does not only stand for Google, Bing, Yahoo or Yandex. Social media networks are also based on a search engine premise. Pinterest, for instance, is a platform where people can find you via a keyword-based inquiry.

After the inquiry, the search engine provides result pages. What you see on those result pages is called meta-information.

By default, Squirrly Snippet generates the meta-information for your article by:

  1. Taking the first lines of your article and automatically adding them to the meta description.
  2. Making sure the keyword you optimized for appears in the selected lines.
  3. Including the featured image.

If you want to go beyond the default options, Squirrly Snippet Tool allows you to:

  • Customize the Meta Description
  • Customize the Title
  • Insert an Image for Social Sharing

The wrong thing to do for an automatic SEO software would be not to give you the possibility to customize your metadata. It would be counterintuitive to take the same one being used for the main site for each page. This will only generate duplicates.

With its customization options, Squirrly Snippet Tool is a necessary feature helping you control the way Google lists and displays your posts.

Squirrly SEO Plugin

Installing Squirrly SEO Plugin on a new site

I’ve decided to write a post that will help you see how to fix this issue you may be encountering:

“I have a Squirrly SEO Plugin PRO version, but it isn’t letting me use it on a second blog on wordpress.  Please help. ”

Here’s how to solve it:

I made a short video for you to see how to do it.

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You’ll see there that you need to go to your account:

WordPress -> Squirrly -> Account info and find out what email is your account email. The one on which you have the PRO version.

Then, go to your new wordpress site and make sure you install Squirrly SEO Plugin and then use your PRO email to connect to

Example shown in the video above.