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SEO Questions 2019

I purchased Squirrly SEO subscription without trying it first. How do I get started?


I purchased Squirrly SEO subscription without trying it first. How do I get started?


Just follow the instructions from that page and you’ll get started in no time.

It gives you the latest version of the plugin.

Once you’ve connected your new plugin to our amazing cloud services, which help us run the software side of Squirrly SEO, you should do the following:

  • Complete the on-boarding (very quick steps)
  • Start the 14 Days Journey to Better Ranking (give you all you need for results)
  • Start completing tasks from the Next SEO Goals section (Squirrly SEO > Overview > Next SEO Goals)
  • Read this short article.

How do I make sure all my settings are made properly and that I can get results in the first 14 Days?


“Greetings! I just signed up for your SEO software for my news blog. I will upgrade if results are achieved within these 14 days. Kindly let me know and take a look at my account if the setting is done correctly for optimization.”


ou’ll know if the settings are made properly just by following the Next SEO Goals for each of the 14 days and by looking in the Squirrly Assistant sidebar. If you see GREY elements in the right sidebar that are NOT marked as complete (don’t have a check mark inside), click on them to see how to complete them.

Once you complete all the Next SEO Goals it means you’ve successfully set everything up.

You You can also use the Squirrly Settings Assistant and complete tasks in:

  • SEO Configuration
  • Research
  • Focus Pages
  • SEO Audit
  • Rankings

Should I have one BIG Focus Page or should I have many smaller focus pages?

I have about two different cases here. We will write case by case.

Question 1:

one question, rather than having loads of smaller pages is it better to have one page that covers a number of topics? For example, I have translation services but underneath I could put all the types of translation services I offer? At the moment I separate them out

Answer 1:

it’s a really good question.

Here’s why I would do:

keep the many smaller pages, with very specific kinds of translation services (they are useful for a large number of things).

And make a bigger page regarding translation services that also has a good keyword chosen.

In the bigger page you can write ideas that you wrote on the smaller pages. Just make sure that the text is original, and not copy and pasted. Even though it kinds says the same things.

Then from all the smaller pages you can link to the bigger page. This way you will create satellite and core content, as outlined in:…/journey-to-better-ranking…/ 

And if your chosen keyword has competition levels “very easy to rank” or “easy to rank” you will have a very solid chance of getting it on Page 1 if you do it this way.

Follow-up question:

so would you use the multiple keywords and possibly synonyms on the large ones and more specific ones on the smaller pages?

Follow-up answer:

specific on the smaller pages, because you would then have pages with high conversion.

user searches for something specific -> ends up on the shorter, but very specific page -> user clearly see that this page is what he/she was looking for. -> has higher chance to perform CTA

Question 2:

One more important question I would like to ask you since you are very experienced at this type of situation from your experimentation and that is

I just generated a 3000+ word article covering my four major services. There are no outgoing links on this page (should there be?) My question is should I have one large mammoth page like this for my focus page for the four different services which offer or should I break it up and have four focus pages.

My main focus page is the page or should it be repair, painters, kitchen cabinet painters, ceiling repair or stucco ceiling removal.

These aren’t exactly the headings I might be using but I believe they are. From your experience what would you recommend for FOCUS pages covering services or and all these various services on one page. What else can you suggest to me any other little tidbits of information you might be able to offer?

Answer 2:

“should it be repair, painters, kitchen cabinet painters, ceiling repair or stucco ceiling removal.”

^^ this is what I would personally go with


  • better-targeted keywords in the URL of the page.
  • precise. the page targets a precise type of service. provides clarity for both potential customers and Google bots
  • Google favors sites with more pages, especially with well-made pages that better reflect the portfolio of available services. Therefore, if you can turn each page into a focus page and get those elements from red to green for each of them

However, in your case:^&*(&^%a-handyman-c&*^%$y-and-*&^%$#ll-repair/

would be a really good focus page you could try to rank.

  • it has the location name in the URL
  • it’s really long
  • I would optimize it to 80% for each of the following keywords: “&^% handyman” “#$@ carpentry” and “^%$^* d$#@^^ repair”.
  • I wouldn’t link from this page to any other page: not to external pages, and not to pages from your site. If you do want to add a link to pages from your own site, then you should add no-follow to the links.
  • you’ll want to keep all of the authority into this one big page
  • link from other pages of your site to this one. Especially from the other /services/ pages that you have on site.

Your site already has other pages and I see that all of them seem to have enough text on the page.

You can go ahead and try this one big page.

If you follow the recipes for each day of the 14 Days Journey and if you turn the elements from Red to Green, you will start seeing results.

Other than that:

You can add videos on youtube having a keyword like “%$#% handyman” and optimize the title and description in youtube. You can try it on a draft in WordPress then copy and paste to youtube when you upload the video. Place a link in the description to your focus page. Then in your focus page embed the Youtube video.

^^ Usually, this helps a lot in boosting the rank of the page, because of the multimedia content.

It keeps telling me it’s NOT Human Friendly because of something placed after 1st word. What do I do?

Question / Issue:

How do I fix that? This thing keeps showing up.


It’s very easy, really.

You just need to place more words, write more text, after the first mention of your main keyword.

People do NOT like reading repetitions over and over again. If something gets repeated often in short amounts of text, it gets annoying.

That’s why you should fix this and focus on writing better.

Remember that user experience impacts your SEO, as we outline in our Focus Pages section.

Don’t know how to do it?

Watch this video from the Help Center. It will help.

How can I Fix Over Optimization?

Question / Issue

Over optimisation!

I’m writing an article review referencing a company name but I’m told by Squirrly to remove some and use synonyms or be over optimised.

The article won’t make sense if I remove them and there is no synonym for the company name.

I know the page will still be ranked, but we’re told to keep everything green!

Can we override this setting?


You can refer to brand_keyword by “The Company” , “this one of a kind brand”, “the brand”, “it”, “our”, “us” etc.

There are multiple ways in which you can avoid repetition.

And you should, because otherwise you risk to make the page hard to read. People do not like to hear repetitions.

Of course, if you’re 100% certain on what you’re doing and it’s important that you do it that way, you can always choose to ignore a few details and choose to optimize only up until 92%, for example.

Even though, for over optimization there is always a way to make that check green. It’s just harder, that’s all.

If I want to create a new Focus Page: Should it be a Post or a Page?

Q: “I like to know it is better to create a page or a post you have that as my focus page. ”


It can be a post or a page. It doesn’t really matter for Google in most cases.

When to choose page over post:

  • you have better conversion elements on the page, than you could have on the blog post (to grab emails, display telephone number, etc.)
  • your page has better URL architecture (for example, where previous pages SEO and Content are also very powerful SEO-wise, it would give higher chances for /seo/content/writing/ to rank higher for the keyword (seo content writing) than if you had a blog post like:

This is really all there is that impacts SEO or usability.