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How Does Your Tool Help a Small Organization Like Us Raise Funds?

As the name states, Squirrly SEO is an SEO software. It’s a tool to be used for SEO purposes. It helps you enhance your SEO strategy, your social media strategy and it helps your websites be better suited for search engine bots, human readers and social media feeds.

It does over 108 things to help your strategies.

However, as you could read above, it does NOT create a strategy for you. For that, you will need a marketing strategist to create the strategy for you. Or you can create it yourself.

If you want to raise funds for your NGO, you are the one responsible with coming up with a digital marketing strategy that will help you raise funds.

When you have the strategy ready, it will be clear what you need to accomplish marketing-wise to fit your strategy. There are many numerous ways in which you can raise money. Choose the one you feel comfortable with, craft a marketing plan and then come and use Squirrly SEO in your strategy.

Squirrly SEO is an SEO software. It’s not a “Fund-raising Software for NGOs”. Therefore, you need a great plan and if your plan includes digital marketing, then with THOSE aspects Squirrly will be able to help.

When you have those aspects clear in mind please come and ask us your new questions.

Things to remember:

  1. Tools don’t give you the strategy
  2. You first establish your strategy and your objectives. Then you find the tools you need to make those happen.
  3. Of course Squirrly SEO can’t DIRECTLY help you raise funds. A money transfer service, PayPal or FastSpring would be the tools for something like that. Or maybe a Kickstarter.

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