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Migrating Data: How to Switch from Rank Math to Squirrly SEO

Decided to upgrade from Rank Math to Squirrly? Welcome, we’re grateful to have you.

Just thinking about switching? We welcome that thought, too. 🙂

We know that migrating data from other SEO plugins can seem like a complicated task. You may be worried that you’ll lose important data or the work you’ve previously done – and that you’ll have to start from scratch.

Rest assured, switching from Rank Math to Squirrly SEO is fast, easy, and secure thanks to Squirrly’s import capabilities.

We make sure that your data is migrated carefully. This way, you don’t lose any important optimizations you’ve previously made.

In this article, we’ll show you:

  • how easy it is to import your data from Rank Math
  • and let you know exactly WHAT gets imported during the process.

Let’s get to it.

First things first, make sure the Advanced Pack by Squirrly SEO is active.

To access all import options, you’ll need to install the Advanced Pack by Squirrly SEO. This plugin is completely free, uses the same account, and will be automatically installed and activated in WordPress when you click the button.

Follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, Navigate to Squirrly SEO (the WordPress plugin) > Home.
  2. Click the button that reads “Install now with one click. It’s free.” (as shown in the screenshot below).

🚨 Note: These steps must be completed within the Squirrly SEO WordPress plugin. The option to install and activate the Advanced Pack by Squirrly SEO plugin is NOT AVAILABLE in the Cloud App.

What data gets imported from Rank Math?

Here is everything that we import from Rank Math to help you make sure that your previous work remains intact.

SEO Snippet optimizations:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Keywords
  • Open Graph title
  • Open Graph Description
  • Open Graph Media
  • Twitter Card title
  • Twitter Card description
  • Twitter Card media
  • Patterns
  • Noindex
  • Canonical

 Squirrly also imports the following Settings from Rank Math:

  • Social Media
  • JSON-LD – Company Name
  • Add Breadcrumbs in the JSON-LD option
  • Webmasters
  • Attachment Redirects to Image option
  • Nofollow to external links option
  • Open external links in a new window option

SEO Automation

  • HomePage – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Posts – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Pages – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Attachment – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Product – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Categories – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Tags – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Product Categories – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow
  • Product Tags – Patterns & Noindex & Nofollow

You won’t have to start over and re-write your meta descriptions or titles once you’ve made the switch to Squirrly. All this data will be safely transferred to Squirrly SEO.

In fact, once the import process is complete, you can go to BULK SEO settings and check that your data has been correctly transferred.

NOTE! Using Squirrly SEO, you can also import redirects you’ve set up using Rank Math, as well as the schemas for rich snippets. Note! When importing schemas, Squirrly SEO does not fetch Schema Templates that you’ve configured using Rank Math.

Good. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s go over the steps of importing your data from Rank Math to Squirrly SEO.

Import using Squirrly’s Import feature

Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1. Go to the Import & Data section of Squirrly

The Import settings are located in the SEO Configuration section of Squirrly SEO. Navigate to  Squirrly SEO > Technical SEO > Import & Data to reach them.

Step 2. Import Settings

Looking at how Import SEO & Settings is set up, you may ask yourself why there are two different sections for this. The reason is that there is a clear distinction between Settings and SEO:

  • Settings are things you set up, such as: using Meta, using Open Graph, and so on.
  • SEO is what you work on and how you define custom texts.

To import settings from Rank Math, simply select Rank Math from the list and then click on Import Settings. (as shown in the image below)

⚠️ If you import the SEO settings from Rank Math, you will lose all the settings that you had in Squirrly SEO (the settings you import will overwrite the settings you make in Squirrly SEO). Make sure you backup your settings from Technical SEO > Import & Data > Backup Settings & SEO before you do this.

Step 3. Import SEO

To import SEO from Rank Math, simply select Rank Math from the list and click on Import SEO. (as shown in the image below)

⚠️ As part of the Import SEO process, Squirrly will only import the SEO for the pages that were NOT yet optimized with Squirrly SEO.

This will ensure that you don’t lose the SEO for pages that you already optimized with Squirrly. So, unlike what happens for Import settings, the SEO you import will NOT overwrite the SEO for pages optimized with Squirrly.

Also want to add your Rank Math focus keywords to Squirrly’s Briefcase? Here’s how to do that:

1. export the keywords to a .csv file using Rank Math’s export focus keywords to a CSV file functionality (note that this feature is NOT available with Rank Math’s free plan)
2. copy the keyword column from the .csv file 
3. paste it in a .txt file
4. import the keywords into Squirrly’s Briefcase by uploading the .txt file via: SEO Configuration> Import & Data > Restore Settings & SEO > Restore Keywords

Step 4. Import Redirects

To import redirects from Rank Math, scroll down to the Import Redirects From option, select Rank Math from the list, and click on Import Redirects. (as shown in the image below)

⚠️ Attention: We recommend importing redirects from other plugins immediately after activating the Redirects feature in Squirrly SEO and before setting up any new redirects.

That’s because the imported redirects will overwrite existing redirects if there are the same paths.

To create a backup of your current redirects, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to: Squirrly SEO > Technical SEO > Import & Data > Backup Settings & SEO.
  2. Use the “Backup Redirects” option.

This will allow you to download and save a copy of your existing redirects.

Step 5. Import Schemas

To import schemas for rich snippets from Rank Math, scroll down to the Import Schemas option, select Rank Math from the list, and click on Import Schemas. (as shown in the image below)

That’s it! Your data is now safely transferred to Squirrly.

All your data is now imported into Squirrly! If you want, you can now go to BULK SEO settings and check that your data has been correctly transferred.

Import Done. What’s next?

Here are the settings you need to do in Squirrly after the import.

After the set-up for Squirrly SEO is complete, you can go ahead and deactivate the Rank Math plugin from your site.

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