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wordpress site audit

Squirrly Site Audit

Tracks all the aspects of your Content Marketing strategy: Blogging, Keywords, SEO, Authority, Traffic, Social Signals.

It doesn’t just track them and gives you a score, it also gives you Professional advice on how to fix problems and improve your marketing.

You’ll be able to send problems related to SEO to your SEO person or to your developers, blogging problems to your content writers, etc.

For a complete tutorial on the SEO Audit, please check out this resource >> 

site audit

Squirrly Site Audit

Tracks all the aspects of your Content Marketing strategy: Blogging, Keywords, SEO, Authority, Traffic, Social Signals.

It doesn’t just track them and gives you a score, it also gives you Professional advice on how to fix problems and improve your marketing.

You’ll be able to send problems related to SEO to your SEO person or to your developers, blogging problems to your content writers, etc.

Squirrly Site Audit

Squirrly Site Audit

[slideshare id=77295608&doc=squirrlysiteaudit1-170627101241]

Weekly Site Audit is the “Cherry on Top” from Squirrly. Your site will be verified every week for the latest written articles on all the main areas: Blogging, Traffic, Social Media, SEO, Links and Authority.

The score will reflect how well the site has performed that week. Depending on the score, you will receive some tasks you’ll need to complete in order to raise the overall score of your website. This way, you will know exactly what to do next week, so that you get better results in Google search results.
