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squirrly snippet

Squirrly Edit Snippet

🚨 This article share details about an older version of the Snippet tool. For information regarding the most recent version of the Snippet tool, please check out this resource.


Learn how you can customise the title and description for each article with Squirrly SEO.

You will see the META preview in the snippet.

Squirrly Snippet Customization

Squirrly Snippet

Squirrly Snippet Tool

🚨 This article share details about an older version of the Snippet tool. For information regarding the most recent version of the Snippet tool, please check out this resource.

[slideshare id=77295843&doc=squirrlysnippettool1-170627101853]

The Squirrly Snippet Tool shows you how your article will look like on search engines. By customizing it, you will boost the conversion rate.

Note that ‘search engines’ does not only stand for Google, Bing, Yahoo or Yandex. Social media networks are also based on a search engine premise. Pinterest, for instance, is a platform where people can find you via a keyword-based inquiry.

After the inquiry, the search engine provides result pages. What you see on those result pages is called meta-information.

By default, Squirrly Snippet generates the meta-information for your article by:

  1. Taking the first lines of your article and automatically adding them to the meta description.
  2. Making sure the keyword you optimized for appears in the selected lines.
  3. Including the featured image.

If you want to go beyond the default options, Squirrly Snippet Tool allows you to:

  • Customize the Meta Description
  • Customize the Title
  • Insert an Image for Social Sharing

The wrong thing to do for an automatic SEO software would be not to give you the possibility to customize your metadata. It would be counterintuitive to take the same one being used for the main site for each page. This will only generate duplicates.

With its customization options, Squirrly Snippet Tool is a necessary feature helping you control the way Google lists and displays your posts.