[slideshare id=77295502&doc=squirrlyopengraphandtwittercard-170627100934]
OpenGraph Meta-tags were introduced by Facebook in 2010. Basically, what they do is they allow other websites to become rich “graph” objects, and to function as other Facebook objects. That way, you can share them on Facebook. So you can control how information travels from a website to Facebook when you share a page, like it etc. The information is sent via OpenGraph Meta tags in the <head> part of the website’s code.
Squirrly SEO will grab the data from your Page/Post content, and will build the Open Graph so that each social share will represent your article type.
Squirrly also works best with Twitter Card metas. After Twitter Card validation, each share will come with an article summary attached to it. This is the best way to attract more visitors to your site.
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object to find if you have the correct Open Graph parameters set up.
To add the Facebook Admin ID follow the steps from