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Squirrly Site Audit

Tracks all the aspects of your Content Marketing strategy: Blogging, Keywords, SEO, Authority, Traffic, Social Signals.

It doesn’t just track them and gives you a score, it also gives you Professional advice on how to fix problems and improve your marketing.

You’ll be able to send problems related to SEO to your SEO person or to your developers, blogging problems to your content writers, etc.

For a complete tutorial on the SEO Audit, please check out this resource >> 

squirrly seo settings

Squirrly SEO Settings

Your experience with using Squirrly is something that we care a lot about and we strive to go the extra mile to make sure you’re having a good time, while keeping your readers engaged with new content that speaks their language.

Without leaving the interface, you can get up to speed with the latest news in your industry, see how people discuss your topic on twitter, get free images you can use.Email alerts will let you know if traffic is going down, or if we detect duplicates, 404 errors, sharing problems, etc.

site audit

Squirrly Site Audit

Tracks all the aspects of your Content Marketing strategy: Blogging, Keywords, SEO, Authority, Traffic, Social Signals.

It doesn’t just track them and gives you a score, it also gives you Professional advice on how to fix problems and improve your marketing.

You’ll be able to send problems related to SEO to your SEO person or to your developers, blogging problems to your content writers, etc.

Squirrly SEO Analytics

You’ll receive an email with the improvement of your websites and you can also track the improvement of each individual article.Every single week.

It displays social signals per article, which shows you how much people enjoyed your content.

The SEO Analytics, shows the search engine love you received for each article.

“Analyze any single article. See how it improves over time.”

Squirrly Keyword Research

Squirrly’s Keyword Research and Analysis tool helps you get keywords that are trending, that people search for, and that will ultimately get you found online.

It’s very important to be found online by the right keywords, because it will bring you visits from people who really care about what you have to offer.

Squirrly SEO Live Assistant

Gives you SEO Advice as you’re typing your articles.

Squirrly helps you in real time to optimize your articles to 100%, while you are writing or editing them.

Optimized articles (with Squirrly) get +285% more traffic, on average, than the articles that are not optimized.

keyword research

Squirrly Keyword Research

🚨 This article share details about an older version of the Keyword Research Tool. For information regarding the most recent version of the Keyword Research Tool, please check out this resource.


Two resources: Video and Slideshare. In the video you see how to use it and pick the best keywords. In the slideshare, you see a few simple steps to follow when you need to start using it:

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more SEO techniques you can implement from Home.

[slideshare id=77294889&doc=squirrlykeywordresearch1-170627095037]

Squirrly’s Keyword Research and Analysis tool helps you find keywords that are trending, that people are currently searching for, and that will ultimately get you more visibility online.

It’s very important to be found online by the right keywords, because it will bring you targeted visitors. These are the people that are interested in what you have to offer.

The Keyword Research tool helps you find long tail keywords that are easier to rank for, especially if you just started your own business and you want fast results. The tool looks at your competitor’s keywords, and it will grab the best ones for your articles.