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Live Assistant

Settings for Live Assistant and Blogging Assistant

This video shows where you can customize settings for:

  • Live Assistant
  • Blogging Assistant

The other settings (JSON-LD, sitemap, cards, og, rich pins, automation rules, etc.)  will be made from WordPress – Squirrly SEO – SEO Settings. Use the left menu in that section to walk through all the settings you can make. As always, the information to the right of the screen will help you get everything in perfect shape.

Real-Time Assistance in Optimizing for Multiple Keywords – Full Tutorial

I’m using the following in this tutorial:

– SEO Live Assistant (SLA)
– Briefcase (the part which is integrated in the SLA)
– Blogging Assistant
– Split Window feature for the SLA

Full tutorial and walkthrough video for those of you who really want to see how you can get 100% green for multiple keywords.

Whether you want to optimize a page for multiple keywords or you want to add SEO Context, so that search engines really understand what the pages is about, this full tutorial will help you figure that out.

Just remember to check all of the other features of Squirrly SEO, because this is just a smal part of what Squirrly does.