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The Squirrly SEO Patterns List

Take a look at the COMPLETE LIST OF PATTERNS available in SEO Automaton – and learn more about what each one of them does.

{{date}}Displays the post/page’s publishing date.
{{title}}Adds the published title of the post/page.
{{page}}Displays the number of the current page (i.e. 1 of 6)
{{parent_title}}Adds the title of a page’s parent page. (according to how it’s set up in Page Attributes)
{{sitename}}Adds the site’s name. (as it’s set up in Settings > General > Site Title)
{{sitedesc}}Adds the site’s description. (as it’s set up in Settings > General > Tagline)
{{excerpt}}Will display an excerpt from the post/page – as it appears in the excerpt field in WordPress for that particular page/post.

If NOT customized, the excerpt will be auto-generated, displaying the first lines of text from your post/page.
{{excerpt_only}}Will display an excerpt from the post/page – as it appears in the excerpt field in WordPress for that particular page/post.

As opposed to the {{excerpt}} Pattern, there’ NO auto-generation for {{excerpt_only}}; if the excerpt field is NOT customized, {{excerpt_only}} will NOT display anything.

! Additional info: If the excerpt field is not enabled/visible on your Page and Post dashboard, you need to enable it via Screen Options. Keep in mind that some themes may lack to create this field on Page.
{{tag}}Includes the tag(s) that is/are assigned to the post in the post description.
{{category}}Displays the name of the category that’s assigned to that post/page. If the post/page is assigned to multiple categories, the names of the categories will be comma-separated.
{{primary_category}}Adds the name of the primary category that is assigned to a post/page.
{{category_description}}Includes the description of the category that is assigned to a post in the post description (as it’s defined in Edit Category > Description field)
{{tag_description}}Adds the tag’s description (as it’s defined in Edit Tag > Description field)
{{term_description}}Adds the term description.
{{term_title}}Adds the title/name of the term that’s assigned to the post. 

! Additional info: In WordPress, terms refer to the items in a taxonomy. (read more about it here)
{{searchphrase}}Displays the search phrase. (if it appears in the post)
{{sep}} Places a separator between the elements of the post description.
{{modified}}Every post has the date it was modified registered in the database. This pattern replaces the publication date of a post/page with the modified one and displays it.
{{name}}Displays the name of the Author assigned to that post. (as it appears in Profil > Display Name Publicly as: section in WordPress)
{{user_description}}Adds the biographical info of the Author assigned to that post to the post description (as it appears in Profile > Biographical info section in WordPress)
{{currentdate}}Displays the current date.
{{keyword}} Adds the post’s keyword to the post description. (this information is retrieved from the Squirrly SEO Snippet)
{{currentday}}Adds the current day.
{{currentmonth}}Adds the current month.
{{currentyear}}Adds the current year.
{{product_name}} Adds the product name for the selected WooCommerce product.
{{product_price}} Adds the product price for the selected WooCommerce product.
{{product_price_with_tax}}Adds the product price with tax for the selected WooCommerce product.
{{product_currency}}Adds the product currency for the selected WooCommerce product.
{{product_brand}}Adds the product brand for the selected WooCommerce product.
{{org_name}}Adds the name of your organization as set in Squirrly’s Rich Snippets.
{{org_description}}Adds the description of your organization as set in Squirrly’s Rich Snippets.
{{org_logo}}Adds the logo URL of your organization as set in Squirrly’s Rich Snippets.
{{org_url}}Adds the URL of your organization as set in Squirrly’s Rich Snippets.
{{org_phone}}Adds the telephone number of your organization as set in Squirrly’s Rich Snippets.
{{customfield(field_name)}}Adds the custom field data based on the current post ID. More details here.
{{customfields(field_name|array_key)}}Adds the custom field data based on the current post ID. More details here.

If the custom field is a WP hidden field and you still want to see it in the patterns list, add this line in wp-config.php file:

 add_filter('sq_show_hidden_patterns', true);

Patterns & Automation

Learn how to use the Patterns in Squirrly SEO Automation

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